

Kinesiotape: Effective Treatment Method for Pain and Injuries

Our Physiotherapy Practice offers you an effective treatment method for pain and injuries: Kinesiotape. With Kinesiotape, we can address your individual needs and facilitate a speedy recovery. Learn more about the benefits of Kinesiotape and how it can help you.


The Benefits of Kinesiotape: Pain Relief and Accelerated Recovery

Kinesiotape offers numerous advantages in the treatment of pain and injuries. By applying the special elastic tape to the affected areas, gentle compression and stabilization are achieved. This leads to pain relief and accelerated recovery. Our physiotherapists  are experts in the application of Kinesiotape and customize it to your specific needs.

Kinesiotaping: An Effective Method for Rehabilitation Support

Kinesiotape plays an important role in the rehabilitation process after injuries or surgeries. The tape provides support and stabilization to the muscles, resulting in improved mobility and accelerated recovery. Our experienced therapists specialize in rehabilitation with Kinesiotape and professionally guide you on your path to recovery.

Individually Adapted Kinesiotaping for Optimal Results

At our physiotherapy practice , we prioritize tailored treatments, and this applies to the application of Kinesiotape as well. Each patient receives individually adapted tape that is specifically tailored to their needs. Our therapists consider your specific complaints, anatomy, and goals to achieve optimal results.

Learn More about Kinesiotaping: What It Is and How It Works

Would you like to learn more about Kinesiotape? On our website, you will find detailed information about what Kinesiotape is and how it works. We explain the mechanism of action of the tape and provide insights into its various applications. This allows you to be well-informed before your visit to our practice.

Kinesiotape Applications: Support for Sports Injuries and Muscular Issues

Sports injuries and muscular problems are among the most common reasons for Kinesiotape treatment. The tape can help alleviate pain, stabilize the muscles, and promote regeneration. Our physiotherapists have extensive experience in treating sports injuries and muscular issues with Kinesiotape.

Kinesiotape for Back Pain: Relief and Spine Stabilization

Back pain can be highly debilitating. With Kinesiotape, we can help alleviate pain and stabilize the spine. Our specialized therapists are knowledgeable about the latest techniques and applications of Kinesiotape for back pain, offering you an effective treatment.

Kinesiotape for Joint Pain: Improved Mobility and Pain Relief

Joint pain can significantly impair mobility. With Kinesiotape, we provide a non-invasive method to improve mobility and relieve joint pain. Our experienced therapists know how to correctly apply the tape to achieve optimal results and alleviate your discomfort.

Kinesiotape for Chronic Pain: Long-Term Relief without Side Effects

Chronic pain can be a tremendous burden. Kinesiotape can be an effective method for long-term relief from chronic pain without causing side effects. Our physiotherapy practice has extensive experience in treating chronic pain with Kinesiotape and is ready to support you on your journey towards a pain-free life.

Case Studies

Anatomical deviations often result in suboptimal alignment of joint surfaces, which can be congenital or caused by everyday posture. A classic example is a dislocated or subluxated patella (kneecap) that can lead to patellar chondropathy. In simple terms, the kneecap moves outside its normal groove over the thigh bone during knee movements. Patients often experience pain when climbing stairs. Kinesiotaping helps guide the kneecap back into its intended path, significantly increasing knee stability.

Relief of Injured Structures

Injuries, typically resulting from accidents, often lead to improper alignment during healing. This can create excessive pressure on the scapula (shoulder blade). Through the application of Kinesiotape, the clavicle is repositioned to allow optimal healing with reduced strain.

Muscle Tension Release

Athletes often require support to maintain muscle explosiveness throughout a long season. Frequently, muscles become fatigued during competitions, resulting in delayed reaction times. In such cases, we apply Kinesiotape along the muscle fibers with tension, providing a sensory stimulus for the intended movement. This enables the muscle to activate more rapidly in its intended function, reducing the risk of injury during activities such as ball impact and stable landings.

Pressure Relief for Skin to Improve Lymphatic and Blood Circulation

Edema (swelling) is a common obstacle affecting quality of life following surgery or in various chronic conditions. Besides compression, taping can positively impact edema. By applying tension to the swollen area (and potentially the surrounding muscles), the tape lifts the soft tissues around the lymphatic vessels, reducing pressure. Similar to widening a congested highway, the fluid stasis is relieved.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

We Charge 80 CHF per session additional 10 CHF costs for the tapes.
Kinesiotaping can be covered by the health insurance with the appropriate prescription.

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